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Your Views Matter  

Whom to Consult?

Good consultation is dependent on the inputs of stakeholders such as business community, employees, interest groups, professional organisations and individuals indesigning and/or reviewing regulations. Stakeholder analysis provides the basis for identifying those persons, groups and organisations that have significant and legitimate interests in a specific issue or policy area. While the Government remains as the key decision maker, there are many other stakeholders that influence and should be facilitated to influence the regulation development. These include non-governmental organisations (NGOs), interest groups, private sector groups, academia, community-based organisations and individual citizens.

Stakeholder analysis is therefore a critical component of the consultation process as it encourages stakeholders involvement, where needed, in order to achieve ownership and buy-in. The analysis must be inclusive and ensure that minority groups and the hard-to-reach groups are not left out. Ministries and agencies should establish registers of stakeholders through the stakeholder analysis and maintain such registers. All-registers should be reviewed and updated prior to any consultation process.

Stakeholders are those who:
  • stand to benefit from a proposed regulation;
  • will be directly or indirectly affected by a proposed regulation;
  • have interests that may be negatively affected by a particular regulation; and
  • possess information, resources and expertise needed for strategy formulation and implementation of a regulation

Last Updated 2015-10-19 17:36:35 by admin2

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